Bryan Pilsworth on BNN

Bryan Pilsworth, President & Portfolio Manager – Canadian Equities, appeared on BNN today to talk about the portfolio in which FGP’s donations to the Holland Bloorview Investor Challenge were invested.


The specific securities identified were not selected based on performance criteria. They are illustrative of some of the Firm’s holdings.  They are not representative of all securities purchased, sold or recommended for advisory clients.  It should not be assumed that the securities identified have been or will be profitable.  Actual holdings will vary for each client and there is no guarantee that a particular client’s account will hold the security discussed.  Past performance does not guarantee future results. 

The opinions expressed are those of the speaker as at January 19, 2017, and may change at any time without notice based on market conditions or other relevant factors.  Foyston, Gordon & Payne Inc. (“FGP”) expressly disclaims liability for any loss suffered based on reliance on the information herein.  Please consult your professional advisors for guidance on your specific situation.


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