Prashin Patel Portrait

Prashin Patel

Managed Account Specialist

Prashin joined FGP in 2022 as Investment Operations Analyst and became Managed Account Specialist in 2024. He is responsible for the administration and support of FGP’s separately managed account and high net worth clients.


Prashin’s career began in 2015 at BM India, where he was a Para-planner. In 2020, he moved to CIBC Investor Services as a Customer Service Representative, then became an Investment Representative. Prior to joining FGP, Prashin was an Investment Representative at CIBC Wood Gundy.


Prashin is a graduate of Gujarat Technological University (MBA).

Foyston, Gordon & Payne Inc.
1 Adelaide Street East, Suite 2600
Toronto, ON  M5C 2V9


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