Fund Performance

Discover the historical performance of our investment funds to make informed investment decisions.

Performance (%) for periods ending December 31, 2024

Investment returns are expressed in Canadian dollars unless otherwise noted, gross of investment management fees, net of fund expenses for FGP pooled funds, and include reinvestment of dividends and income. Returns are time weighted and annualized for periods greater than one year. Values change frequently and past investment performance may not be repeated.

AUM and performance figures shown are rounded to one decimal place.

(1) FGP Core Plus Bond Fund was launched on October 31, 2017. Historical performance from December 31, 2015 to October 31, 2017 is based on the Core Plus Mandate, an investment model applied to a portfolio that preceded the Fund whose investment guidelines were substantially similar to those of the Fund. From October 31, 2017 onwards, performance is based entirely on the Fund.

(2) FGP Long Term Bond Fund was launched on Jnauary 2, 2014. Historical performance from August 31, 2008 to January 31, 2014 is based on the Long Term Fixed Income Composite. From February 1, 2014 onwards performance is based entirely on the Fund.

(3) Formerly known as FGP Enhanced Yield Corporate Bond Fund, which was launched on January 15, 2013. Historical performance from June 30, 2003 to March 31, 2013 is based on the High Yield Fixed Income Composite, a model applied to portfoloios whose investment guidelines were substantially similar to those of the Fund. From April 1, 2013 onwards, performance is based entirely on the fund.

(4) FGP Small Cap Canadian Equity Fund was launched on January 23, 2006. Historical performance from February 28, 2002 to March 1, 2006 is based on a segregated Small Cap Canadian Equity portfolio, whose investment guidelines were substantially similar to those of the Fund. On the March 1, 2006 this portfolio was transferred into the Fund. Performance from this date onwards is based entirely on the Fund.

(5) An external advisor is provided sub-advisory services for this fund for the period July 1, 2004 to  May 31, 2007.

(6) Formerly known as FGP Private International Equity Fund, which was launched on October 31, 2003. Historical performance from January 31, 1994, to October 31, 2003, is based on the FGP International Equity Fund, whose investment guidelines were identical to those of the Fund. From October 31, 2003, performance is based entirely on the Fund.

(7) The blended returns are calculated by Foyston, Gordon & Payne Inc. using end of day index level values licensed from MSCI (“MSCI Data”). For the avoidance of doubt, MSCI is not the benchmark “administrator” for, or a “contributor”, “submitter”, or “supervised contributor” to, the blended returns, and the MSCI Data is not considered a “contribution” or “submission” in relation to the blended returns, as those terms may be defined in any rules, laws, regulations, legislation or international standards. MSCI Data is provided “AS IS” without warranty or liability and no copying or distribution is permitted. MSCI does not make any representation regarding the advisability of any investment or strategy and does not sponsor, promote, issue, sell or otherwise recommend or endorse any investment or strategy, including any financial products or strategies based on, tracking or otherwise utilizing any MSCI Data models, analytics or other materials or information.


PC Bond is Copyright by FTSE Global Debt Capital Markets Inc. All rights reserved. The infromation contained herin may not be redistributed, sold, modified or used to create any derivative work without prior written consten of FTSE Global Debt Capital Markets Inc.

S&P/TSX Index Data. Source: TSX Copyright (2025) TSX Inc. All rights reserved.

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U.S. residents:

FGP’s pooled funds are not offered to U.S. residents. FGP’s strategies are available to U.S. residents on a separate account basis.